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Ortolan Connect

What is Ortolan Connect?

For a typical £30k pa salary position, a traditional recruitment agency might charge a fee of 15%, making the client's cost for that hire £4,500. Using Ortolan Connect, you would pay a maximum fixed fee of £399. Our innovative advertising and CV screening service connects with millions of potential candidates within hours of receiving your vacancy details. We read every CV that we receive and send on to you those that we feel you should see. We politely reject all the others. You can hire as many of the applicants as you need at no additional cost.

What's included in our fixed fee?

Your recruitment campaign will be managed by a dedicated recruitment consultant, all of whom have senior-level HR management experience. Your consultant will create a compelling job advert based on your vacancy details, although clients are also welcome to use their own. They will place your job advert on over a dozen major job boards, including TotalJobs, Jobsite and Indeed. They will undertake the careful but time-consuming review of every application received, forwarding on only good-quality applications to you. We politely reject all others, protecting your brand. 

We work hard to find the right people for our clients, and believe that the best candidates respond to compelling, widely distributed advertising. Our cost-saving, virtual approach to recruitment allows us to offer Connect at great value on a fixed fee basis, regardless of the number of candidates you choose to hire.

Use Connect Credits to

Send your
vacancy details

Within four hours, our team of experienced account managers will draft a recruitment advertisement guaranteed to attract the right candidates.

Post your

We will place your ad on all of the UK’s major job boards giving you immediate access to millions of registered job seekers.


This is where we add real value. We read every CV and only send you those which match your requirements. We politely decline all the others.

and Hire

You choose who you want to interview from the CVs we send you and you can hire as many of them as you wish for the one fixed fee.
Buy Credits Here

Additional Services

We understand that every client’s needs are different. We offer the following additional services at a bespoke price:

Specialist Job Boards
Specialist CV Search
Telephone Interviews
Aptitude Testing
Reference Checking


1 - 4 Credits
£399 each +VAT
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5 - 9 Credits
£349 each +VAT
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10 - 15 Credits
£301 each +VAT
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16+ Credits
Call Us
020 3743 0600
Get in Touch

If you would like to know more about Ortolan People and how we can help you reduce your ongoing recruitment costs, get in touch!

Email us now

   Or call 020 3743 0600

Hope started operating in 2013 and we had a lot of positions that we needed to fill. We initially relied on recruitment agencies and did a little bit of our own direct advertising, but wanted to explore more cost effective recruitment methods. We decided to try some “erecruiters” to see how they could help. Ortolan were by far the best and also the most cost effective of the suppliers that we tried and we now ask for their help with virtually all of our external recruitment needs, because they provide a very personal and tailored service and have people, rather than computers, working on their candidate searches and short lists. Using Ortolan has significantly reduced our expenditure on attracting candidates, but has also meant that we have had a much broader range of people applying to work for us than before. I’d highly recommend trying Ortolan to see how they can help you.

Peter Spargo, HR Manager Hope Construction Materials Ltd
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Meet the Team

  • Nick Benson Nick Benson I am a solicitor who – as well as having had a 10…
  • Cindy Parry Cindy Parry Having spent most of my working life in Recruitment…
  • Jane Johnstone Jane Johnstone After attaining an engineering degree and working…